There is no monthly charge or hidden charge. You just need to open an account and purchase credit. Then just pay for the call you make, please review our rate in the rate page or contact our sales team for update rates:
With Callika, you get complete business solutions. You get facilities that help you take your business to distant lands by getting a clientele base not only in the country where you registered but to other countries as well. Once that you have created a client base abroad too, it is but natural that every now and then you will be needing means of communicating with them. Quite obviously, this means that we shouldn’t only provide with services that help you create an impact of a multinational company but also offer you solutions that help you operate like one. Long distance calling and calling card facility from Callika has been set with the precise purpose of letting our clients get an access to their customers in far international territories as and when the need arises.
The quality of services provided by us is par excellence. With a trouble so little, you get to enjoy calling facilities so great that it hard to believe that something so great could be actually true. The crystal clear quality of the voice and the almost negligible number of call drops or error in connections is a proof of the awesome service that you get on signing up with Callika.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that any price paid for the comfort, ease and quality that you get with us would only be labeled as being quite reasonable. However, it is to the greatest relief of our clients that we charge you the most optimum amount. The pricing points of long distance calling can be put as such: